Ms Pawluk


A lifelong passion for storytelling inspired me to build a career telling true stories for social good.

In addition to a Bachelor of Journalism from University of King's College, I hold a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English from University of Winnipeg. Upon my convocation from University of King's College, I returned to my roots in rural Manitoba to become a community news reporter, photographer, and editor. Pivoting from journalism to public relations, stories are my through line.

Stories are an expression of values. We tell stories to share our values with others. Shared values inspire us to build relationships, to form communities, and to effect change.

Education is a cause I support wholeheartedly. As a feminist, girls' education is especially important to me. Balmoral Hall School not only encourages but expects girls to speak their minds. I am here to listen. In the role of Communications Specialist, I collaborate with students, faculty, staff, parents, and alumnae to model a culture of storytelling.

Meaningful conversations engage a mission-driven community like ours. As I curate content for various means of communication, including Balmoral Hall School's website, It's Thursday, our weekly school e-newsletter, and The Portal, our annual alumnae magazine, I consider how we inspire girls' imagination and the courage to excel, to reach, to lead, to care. As organizational listening is the cornerstone of public relations strategy, I do my best to foster authentic collaboration by actively listening to you, the Balmoral Hall School community. "Seek first to understand, then to be understood." Timeless advice from Stephen Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

I welcome opportunities to create understanding, trust, and support by empowering you to tell your stories.


Balmoral Hall School

630 Westminster Ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada  R3C 3S1
Tel: (204) 784-1600 | Fax: (204) 774-5534 |
Charitable Registration No. 12994 3932 RR0001
Our mission at Balmoral Hall School is to inspire girls’ imagination and the courage to excel, to reach, to lead, to care.

We are a nondenominational independent day and boarding school, educating students from Junior Nursery to Grade 12.

Information on this website can be requested through an accessible format or communication support by contacting us at or (204) 784-1603.